
Östersjöfestivalen 2010: Stanislaw Drzewiecki plays Chopin

Friday 27 August 2010Stanisław Drzewiecki, polish pianist. Photo: Press

The polish pianist Stanisław Drzewiecki was born in Moscow in 1987 and began piano lessons at the age of 4. Today, he plays all over the world and creates poetry with nuances and sensitivity.

This pianorecital begins with a first performance of Ylva Q Arkviks work ”Capriccio quasi fantasia” in which she react to the attitude of  the music of Chopin. Then follows a program consisting entirely of Chopin’s music for solo piano.


1. Ylva Q Arkvik: Capriccio quasi fantasia, uruppförande

2. Frédéric Chopin:
a) Polonäs nr 5 fiss-moll.
b) Fem mazurkor op. 7.
c) Tre valser op. 34.
d) Fantasi-impromptu ciss-moll.
e) Scherzo nr 1 h-moll.
f) Polonäs nr 6 Ass-dur.


Nocturne ciss-moll

Polonaise A-dur

Preludium e-moll